Gallery: Ottawa Tulip Festival 2009
Tag: flower
Puzzle: Edisto Springs
Size: 550 pieces, large
Dimensions: 45.72cm x 60.96cm
Producer: RoseArt
Artists: Schaefer, Miles
Box: photo
Location: The Edisto River is the longest completely undammed / unleveed blackwater river in North America, flowing 206 meandering miles from its sources in Saluda and Edgefield counties, to its Atlantic Ocean mouth at Edisto Beach, SC. It rises in two main tributaries (North Fork & South Fork) from springs under the Sandhills region of West Central South Carolina, just to the south of the Piedmont fall line. It is the longest and largest river system completely contained by the borders of South Carolina. Its name comes from the Edisto subtribe of the Cusabo Indians. [Wiki]
Puzzle: Fiesta Time, Giovanni Simeone
Size: 1500 pieces
Producer: Big Ben
Artist: Giovanni Simeone
Box: photo