Puzzle: Raising the Dragon by Myles Pinkney

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Size: 550 pieces
Dimensions: 61cm x 46cm
Myles Pinkney
: Ceaco, Glow in the Dark series, 2004
Notes: Looking at a Myles Pinkney painting is like seeing an entire movie in a single frame. First the image catches your eye, then you notice additional nuances as you travel around- and within- each painting. It’s not unusual for someone to have a print for years, and then to suddenly see some new detail that had somehow previously escaped their detection.

Myles Pinkney’s paintings also depict a larger universe. The shape of it becomes more apparent with each new painting you see. Twisted logic, incredible detail, and a quirky sense of humor all combine to create a world of infinite impossibilities into which the viewer is drawn again and again. [Reno Goodale, Biography on the Myles Pinkney site]

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