Puzzle: Thatched Cottage

Size: 750 pieces
Dimensions: 59.7 cm x 39.4 cm
Producer:  The Canadian Group, Sure-Lox, Photo Gallery 10 puzzle pack, #42510-57
Notes: The puzzle producer has not once again indicated the location of the cottage.

Although thatch is popular in Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Ireland, there are more thatched roofs in the United Kingdom than in any other European country. Good quality straw thatch can last for more than 45–50 years when applied by a skilled thatcher.

Over 250 roofs in Southern England have base coats of thatch that were applied over 500 years ago, providing direct evidence of the types of materials that were used for thatching in the medieval period.  Almost all of these roofs are thatched with wheat, rye, or a ‘maslin’ mixture of both. Medieval wheat grew to almost 1.8m tall in very poor soils and produced durable straw for the roof and grain for baking bread. [Wiki]


  1. Where is this cottage in the world.. Would like to see it on Google maps.

  2. Would love to purchase some of these puzzles .
    Is there an address & pricing information available ?
    thank you
    Wanda G.

    • Hi Wanda, you can email me the list of puzzles you would like to veddma@gmail.com along with your shipping address and I can let you know how much it would be. Not all puzzles are available anymore. Those that are available are usually between $5 and $10 unless they are special edition or 3D. The shipping is what would make the difference as I reside in Canada.

  3. Thank you for responding . I will find the particular ones i am interested in & get back to you soon ,

    Wanda gorrell

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