Consider supporting a local business this holiday season and find meaningful, hand-crafted gifts for your loved ones. To make it easier, I’ve created these amazing deals for the Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend.
Black Friday Specials, Friday to Monday ONLY!
20% OFF all purchases AND Buy-one-get-one-FREE deal on Blessingway beads, pregnancy tracking necklaces, and keychains! PLUS a FREE pregnancy tracking necklace for all orders over $99 – that is a $47 value!
You can get an amazing value out of this offer. For example, if you get
1 Blessingway bead, 1 keychain, 1 pregnancy tracking necklace, and one more item costing $20, you will receive an additional Blessingway bead, keychain, and TWO pregnancy tracking necklaces, giving you 7 beautiful unique gifts for just over $100 (a value over $220)!