Puzzle: Maple leaves

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Maple leaves, med
: 500 pieces
Dimensions: 30.02 cm x 48.26 cm
: Mega Puzzles, Vibrant series, 2013, No. 51410AAN, A 17063 LP
Photographer: Susan Ridley
Original: photo

Puzzle: Not a simple puzzle to do due to similar colour patterns across the leaves, but very pleasant visually for its bright colours. The difficulty is mitigated by the smaller size of the puzzle. A possible way to approach it would be to assemble the regions with stems first, as they are the most distinct, as well as the brighter areas of the leaves and the distinct leaf boundaries where possible: the centre leaf and the upper right corner are the easiest. From there the veins in the leaves help in assembling each one, with a few remaining pieces to fill in the gaps.

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