Beading: Blessingway bead – Rose Mermaid

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Beading: Blessingway bead – Gentle Wine Rose Goddess

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Beading: Blessingway bead – Flower Key

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Puzzle: Flower market at Jaipur

Flower market at Jaipur, med

: 304 pieces
Dimensions: 45.72 cm x 35.56 cm
Schmid Reinhard
: Whitman, Guild, A4425, Series 169,

Puzzle: Simple puzzle which I liked for its subject matter – small number of pieces and enough distinct colour regions to make it easy. Flower bunches and people can make a good start, and the background of the wall can come afterwards.

“Subjects in series 169:

  • Flower still life
  • Portrait of grandfather
  • Old town
  • Canister and crates
  • Pennsylvanian winter
  • Autumn village
  • California Carson mansion
  • Martha’s vineyard
  • Flowered fence
  • Arizona landscape
  • Bamberg, Germany
  • Flower market at Jaipur”[Puzzle box]

Beading: Blessingway bead – Golden Green Goddess

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Puzzle: Love each day

Love each day, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 51 cm x 69 cm
Empire, Puzzle Makers, #620205

Puzzle: Not a completely trivial puzzle to do due to variation in puzzle piece format and similarities of the coloured regions, but quite enjoyable. The easiest parts to do are the uniform white of the path, the bench, and the fence, the green of the grass, and the blue-white of the sky. The willowy tree is a good region to tackle next, as well as the groups of similarly-coloured flowers. The trees in the background can come last.

Puzzle: Bellagio by Julian Askins

Julian Askins - Bellagio, med

Size:  750 pieces
Dimensions: 59.7 cm x 39.4 cm
Producer: Sure-Lox
Julian Askins

Notes: Beautiful zen-inducing puzzle with its bright colours and serene scenery. The easiest places to start are the solid colour areas of the sky, the patio with the colonnade, the mountain/sky border, and the blue of the water. The houses can also be assembled easily, guided by the colour contrast and vertical separators. The red flowers and the bright rounded tree with its base can follow, and the rest of the pieces fall into place after.

Puzzle: Sunlit Patio by Ming Feng

Ming Feng - Sunlit Patio, med
: 550 pieces
Dimensions: 60.96 cm x 45.72 cm
Producer: Hasbro, Milton Bradley, Picture Perfect series, 2002
Artist: Ming Feng

Puzzle: I like the feel of these pieces and the way they snap together. The easiest way to approach this puzzle is to start with solid areas of colour: the floor, the chair, bench, and table, and the door. From that point on, it’s a matter of separating areas with similar flower and leaf colouring and assembling those. A very pleasant and calming puzzle to do.

Notes: Beautiful puzzle cut with gaps being nearly invisible. Pieces fit together perfectly and there is no paper dust. A pleasure to assemble, glue, and display.