On Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/73273989/breastfeeding-necklace-tricolour-spiral
Tag: gold
Beading: Black and blue with gold-colour glitter folded flower lampworked glass pendant necklace on black cord
Puzzle: River of Life Triptych by Steven Michael Gardner
Size: 1500 pieces (3 puzzles of 500 pieces each)
Dimensions: 91cm x 91cm
Producer: MasterPieces
Painting: photo
Artist: Steven Michael Gardner is a native of San Diego, California, and I really loves all animals, the beauty of nature and the wonder of life itself. His love of the animal kingdom and passion for preserving our environment has given him the inspiration and basis for the subjects of his artwork. He has been drawing and painting as a full time artist since the age of 20. Many of his original designs have been widely published in magazines and books, and for many years he has created designs for zoos across the country. These are still available as signed and numbered prints, posters, jigsaw puzzles, notecards, and apparel wear. [Gardner Gallery site]
Notes: Find 13 eagles, 14 wolves, 10 bears [Puzzle box]. This puzzle consists of 3 separate puzzles that, when put together, create one large picture encompassing the land, the river, and the sky.