Fun things to do in pregnancy

Below are some activities that I found to be fun throughout my pregnancy.

Belly cast – this is a fun activity that will allow you to preserve a three-dimensional representation of the body changes through which you went during pregnancy. The best time to do this is in your last month of pregnancy – the closer to the due date the better, but be careful postponing it too much as babies tend to arrive on their own schedule. The belly cast is best done by a professional using plaster-gauze strips and can then be painted and/or decorated. The process is …

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Pregnancy and labour resources

I have read through quite a few books and articles on pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, babywearing, and so on. Not all of them I found helpful. Below is the list of those resources that provided me with the most useful information in the most usable form.


Ina May's Guide to ChildbirthIna May’s Guide to Childbirth, by Ina May Gaskin – the first part of the book is a collection of birth stories of women that have given birth on The …

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Book: Bonsai, by Fiona Hopes

Bonsai by Fiona HopesTitle: Bonsai
Author: Fiona Hopes, photographs by Deirdre Rooney
Source: Veddma library
Available online

Notes: The book starts with an overview of the tradition of Bonsai in China, Japan, other Asian countries, and the Western interpretation of the art. It covers briefly the design principles of Bonsai, such as the “two thirds rule” based on the mathematical ratio phi (1:1.618), scale, proportion, …

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Hospital birth essentials

Below is a list for the hospital birth that I have compiled from books (see Pregnancy and labour resources), as well as from the information provided by my midwife, my doula, and the prenatal classes. This list will differ depending on your location. For instance, in Canada you will not be allowed to take the baby home from the hospital if you do not have a safe infant car seat (even if you live across the road from the hospital and are walking home). Check with your hospital for any specific requirements they have. If you find the …

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Home birth essentials

Below is a list for the home birth that I have compiled from books (see Pregnancy and labour resources), as well as from the information provided by my midwife, my doula, and the prenatal classes. This list will differ depending on your location and any specific requirements of your midwife (check with them for what their list is). If you find the list somewhat overwhelming, there are places from which you can order home birth kits – it might actually be cheaper than trying to track down each item on its own. In Canada, Mama Goddess …

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Pregnancy nutrition tips

Below there are a few suggestions that I found particularly helpful and a few things to avoid. This is by no means an exhaustive diet plan that spells out every meal in carbohydrates, fats, and sugars – just common sense tips and favourites.

General suggestions

  • Eat 5-6 smaller meals instead of 2-3 larger ones. This will help in case of morning sickness or heartburn and will aid digestion.
  • Eat sufficient fiber (such as fruits and vegetables) to aid digestion. Eat prunes, figs, or dried apricots if constipation is an issue.
  • Eat some pineapple, papaya, or a few unbleached almonds right …

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  • Natural labour tips

    All the tips below are meant for a pregnancy without complications and for a natural birth (i.e., birth without drugs or interventions) that would take place either at home or at the hospital. By no means should these tips replace the advice of your midwife or doctor. These tips have been gathered from the books on labour and delivery (see Pregnancy and labour resources), as well as from the prenatal classes and the information given to me by my midwife and my doula. Use at your own risk.

    Stages of labour

    Early labour (may last 12 hours or …

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    Puzzle: Linderhof Castle, Bavaria

    : 1200 pieces (1 missing)
    Producer: F.X. Schmid
    Location site:
    Story: Linderhof Palace (German: Schloss Linderhof) is a palace in Germany, near Oberammergau in southwest Bavaria near Ettal Abbey. It is the smallest of the three palaces built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria and the only one of which he lived to see completion.

    Although Linderhof is much smaller than Versailles, it is evident that the palace of the French Sun-King …

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    Pregnancy questions and comments from people

    A pregnant woman does not need your pity. All she needs is a little understanding: let her sit down, open a door for her, help her carry heavy things, – the normal level of courtesy is all that is needed. Do not treat her as if she is sick or disabled, unless she actually is. Below are a few questions and comments that people made during my pregnancy that do not make a lot of sense to the logical being in me. They tend to illustrate a lack of understanding, looking at pregnancy from the point of view of a …

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    Puzzle: Diarmuid and Gráinne

    Diarmuid and Grainne, med
    : 1000 pieces
    Artist: Jim Fitzpatrick
    Producer: Tailten Games
    :  Diarmuid Donn Mac Duibhne “the master and charmer of women” was a member of the Fianna of Fionn Mac Cumhaill and one of his closest friends. Diarmuid, however, committed the unforgivable sin of eloping with Fionn’s bride-to-be, the beautiful Gráinne. For many years they were on the run from Fionn and the Fianna and wandered …

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    Efficiency Dance

    This section discusses various strategies I use to make my work, errands, and house care more efficient and to effectively implement natural solutions to baby care and wellness issues. I strive to get necessary things done in a fast and, whenever possible, enjoyable way, so that I do not get overwhelmed by work and can have time for more interesting endeavours.

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    Birth Zen

    I have three children, all born at home in a waterbirth, and I am a proponent of calm pregnancy, peaceful birth, breastfeeding, connected parenting, and informed choice in all things. I have contributed to several birth-related initiatives in Ottawa, including Mothers of Change, Consumers Supporting Midwifery Care, CHOICE! Birth and Baby film festival, and Holistic Birth Directory – a growing repository of holistic birth practitioners. Below are my notes on natural approach to pregnancy, childbirth, midwifery, breastfeeding, and childcare.

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    Book Zen

    Below are my impressions of the books I read and a few notes on their organization, style, and content. The primary purpose of these book reviews is for me to remember some key points from the books I read, while serving as a way for others to glimpse at the book contents, to perhaps find useful ideas and see if they would want to explore those ideas further by reading the book.

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    Beading Zen

    bookmark160x130I have always liked doing things with my hands – embroidery, assembling jigsaw puzzles, playing piano and guitar, and creating various artpieces from stones, beads, wire, and thread. While carrying my first baby, in the time I had at home, I have created a few bookmarks and necklaces and have opened Veddma Creations shop on Etsy.

    blessingwayBead160x130The next few years brought more awareness of birth, life, and beauty to me. I have discovered the Blessingway ceremony and …

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    Puzzling Zen

    Puzzle: Collage Living RoomI have assembled my first puzzle on May 24, 2005 and since then doing puzzles have become a wonderful way to relax for me. I usually couple them with listening to some music or an audiobook. Once a puzzle is completed, I glue it up and affix it to a black background. The favourite landscape, architecture, and fantasy puzzles go up on the walls as decoration, some very simple puzzles are put back in their boxes to serve my descendants, and the rest are stored as pictures.

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