Daily gratitude ritual

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Take a minute each night, when you are drifting to sleep, to think of all you have accomplished throughout the day, no matter the scale. Think also of all the things that made this day worth living.

Have you shared a hug with someone today? Have you smiled at the sunlight or a cool breeze, or a refreshing rain? Have you sent or received a thank-you note or re-connected with a friend? Have you read an informative article or a few pages of a good book? Have you met anyone interesting? Have you made a healthy dinner? Have you done something nourishing for your body? Have you kissed your child goodnight and hear a “good night, mama” in return as they snuggled to sleep? Have you made something with your hands? Have you made anyone else smile? Have you completed a task? Have you had a few minutes to rest or meditate? Have you taken a walk? Have you come up with an interesting idea? There are so many things in our life worth noting and being grateful for.

Apathy, restlessness, or worse often come from us feeling that nothing special or interesting is going on in our life. When we choose to focus on the positive and actively list the good things about our day, no matter how few, it helps us gain perspective and fuel our desire to get up and welcome life the next morning.


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