Size: 500 pieces
Available for purchase on eBay
Dimensions: 33.02 cm x 48.26 cm
Manufacturer: The Canadian Group, #10085
Photographer: Canadastock/Shutterstock
Box: photo
Tag: buildings
Palace of dreams
Size: 500 pieces
Available for purchase on eBay
Dimensions: 27.3 cm x 45.7 cm
Manufacturer: Karmin International, 02449-GB
Photographer: Shutterstock
Box: photo
Mediterranean Harbour
Size: 1000 pieces
Available for purchase on eBay
Note: I no longer have the box for this puzzle,
so if you could provide any more information
regarding the puzzle or the image, I would much appreciate it.
Box: photo
Quartier Petit Champlain, Québec
Size: 1000 pieces
Available for purchase on eBay
Dimensions: 48.89 cm x 67.63 cm
Manufacturer: Eurographics Puzzles, 6000-5809
Box: photo
Flower Garden Triptych
Size: 1500 pieces
Available for purchase on eBay
Dimensions: 61 cm x 137 cm
Manufacturer: Karmin International, 02430-SB, 98700459
Artist: Sam Park
Box: photo