Size: 300 pieces
Available for purchase on eBay
Dimensions: 33.02 cm x 48.26 cm
Manufacturer: The Canadian Group, #03878
Artist: Yaroslav Chyzhevskyi
Box: photo
Tag: cottage
Dorset countryside
Size: 1000 pieces
Available for purchase on eBay
Dimensions: 48.26 cm x 68.58 cm
Manufacturer: The Canadian Group, #03814
Photographer: Vivvi Smak
Box: photo
Lake District
Size: 500 pieces
Dimensions: 48 cm x 36 cm
Manufacturer: TCG, #40275-3
Photographer: David Noble
Original: photograph
Puzzle: Great Britain Cumbria Lake District, National park. Lovely easy-to-assemble puzzle with a serene country-side landscape. Good places to start are the boundaries of grass with flowers and sky with mountain and trees. Distinct textures of the house and a brick-coloured roof, smooth green mountain, orange, yellow, and black tree leaves split the picture into clear regions. The flower bed can be assembled by focusing separately on purple, red, green, and black flowers.
Spring Field
Size: 1000 pieces, 7 missing
Dimensions: 68 cm x 48 cm
Manufacturer: Mega Puzzles, No. 51152 ABN, A 20084 PP
Artist: Rudy Reichardt
Original: painting
Puzzle: A lovely serene scene of a countryside in autumn. Calm blue water reflecting the sky, the covered bridge, the sky and bright tree leaves border, and the boat are distinct regions that make a good start for the assembly. Good lighting is a bonus for the subtler transitions of colour among the trees and grass.