Puzzle: Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 73 cm x 48.57 cm
Producer: Sure-Lox, The Canadian Group

Notes: Beautiful landscape, very serene to make. Not completely trivial due to large regions of similar colours, but with Sure-Lox pieces fitting well together, still a pleasure to do. Starting with the grass regions is easiest, filling in the houses, and then dealing with the boundary regions between mountains, the ice, and the sky, provides enough guides to fill in the remainder of the pieces.

Puzzle: Love each day

Love each day, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 51 cm x 69 cm
Empire, Puzzle Makers, #620205

Puzzle: Not a completely trivial puzzle to do due to variation in puzzle piece format and similarities of the coloured regions, but quite enjoyable. The easiest parts to do are the uniform white of the path, the bench, and the fence, the green of the grass, and the blue-white of the sky. The willowy tree is a good region to tackle next, as well as the groups of similarly-coloured flowers. The trees in the background can come last.

Puzzle: Ludwig’s Castle, Bavaria, Germany

Ludwig's Castle, Bavaria, Germany, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 45.5cm x 35.5cm
Producer: Leap Year

Puzzle: Not a bad puzzle as far as the picture goes, but the manufacturing process appears to be faulty: many pieces are bent out of shape and do not fit together well, taking away from the assembling experience. The puzzle itself is relatively easy to put together: the sky, the fields, and the castle are good places to start. The trees are a little more challenging, so good lighting is good to have for assembling the bottom part. Overall, nothing special: showing more castle and less of the tree area would make this puzzle more enjoyable. There are better puzzles depicting this castle, I’ve previously put together two: in 1000 pieces and 500 pieces.

Notes: Neuschwanstein Castle is a 19th-century Romanesque Revival palace on a rugged hill above the village of Hohenschwangau near Füssen in southwest Bavaria, Germany. The palace was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as a homage to Richard Wagner. Ludwig paid for the palace out of his personal fortune and by means of extensive borrowing, not with Bavarian public funds. [Wiki]

Puzzle: Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 46.5cm x 36cm

Puzzle: Colourful puzzle, relaxing to assemble at the end of a tiring busy day. The sky, the water, and the house are easiest to start with, followed by the leafy bank and the red trees. The tree trunks can help assemble the rest of the trees, and the reflections are distinct enough from the trees themselves to be filled in easily as well.

Notes: I do not have a record of the producer of this puzzle as I do not have the box anymore. A clarification is welcome – if you have any clue as to the details regarding this puzzle, I would much appreciate that information.

Puzzle: Bellagio by Julian Askins

Julian Askins - Bellagio, med

Size:  750 pieces
Dimensions: 59.7 cm x 39.4 cm
Producer: Sure-Lox
Julian Askins

Notes: Beautiful zen-inducing puzzle with its bright colours and serene scenery. The easiest places to start are the solid colour areas of the sky, the patio with the colonnade, the mountain/sky border, and the blue of the water. The houses can also be assembled easily, guided by the colour contrast and vertical separators. The red flowers and the bright rounded tree with its base can follow, and the rest of the pieces fall into place after.

Puzzle: Grand Baie, Mauritius

Grand Baie, Mauritius, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 66.52 cm x 51.12 cm
Schmid Reinhard
: Hasbro, MB Puzzle, 2010

Puzzle: Beautiful, bright, mood-lifting puzzle (although now I’m pining for the fjords, or rather for Caribbean oceanside). The easiest places to start are the grass, the ocean, the sky, the palm trunks, and the umbrellas. The fruit of the palms, the red flowers in the background, and bright yellow palm leaves can come next. The remainder of the puzzle can be filled in from there, guided by the vertical palm trunks and regions of the sky.

Notes: Mauritius, officially the Republic of Mauritius, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometres off the south-east coast of the African continent. The country is home to some of the world’s rarest plants and animals. The island of Mauritius was the only home of the Dodo bird. The bird became extinct fewer than eighty years after its discovery. [Wiki]

Puzzle: Caverns

Caverns, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 73 cm x 48.6 cm
: The Canadian Group, Sure-Lox, Scenic series, #40605-25

Puzzle: Complex due to similarity of structures pictured and a limited palette of colours, this puzzle is still a pleasure to do with the contrasts of blue, black, and yellow/brown areas and SureLox pieces fitting into place well. This puzzle will take a bit more time than a typical SureLox 1000 piece one, and good lighting is a bonus. I have started with the blue and bright yellow areas, followed by black ones, and from there, filled in the remainder.

Notes: It is unfortunate that no information is given on the box on where this photo was taken. If you are familiar with where this is, I would love to know.

Puzzle: Sunlit Patio by Ming Feng

Ming Feng - Sunlit Patio, med
: 550 pieces
Dimensions: 60.96 cm x 45.72 cm
Producer: Hasbro, Milton Bradley, Picture Perfect series, 2002
Artist: Ming Feng

Puzzle: I like the feel of these pieces and the way they snap together. The easiest way to approach this puzzle is to start with solid areas of colour: the floor, the chair, bench, and table, and the door. From that point on, it’s a matter of separating areas with similar flower and leaf colouring and assembling those. A very pleasant and calming puzzle to do.

Notes: Beautiful puzzle cut with gaps being nearly invisible. Pieces fit together perfectly and there is no paper dust. A pleasure to assemble, glue, and display.

Puzzle: Stein Am Rhein, Switzerland

Stein Am Rhein, Switzerland, med

Size:  1250 pieces
Dimensions: 72.4 cm x 61.8 cm
Producer: Waddington Sanders, 1987, #116-3

Puzzle: This puzzle is best done leisurely, as it is large and there are quite a few distinct regions. I have started with the windows and the ridges between floors and parts of the building to define the vertical and horizontal guides. The flowers and the street as well as the roof/sky line can be made easily as well. The rest of the walls with frescoes take a bit more time, and good lighting is a plus. The pieces fit together reasonably well.

Notes: Stein am Rhein is a municipality in the canton of Schaffhausen in Switzerland. The town has a well-preserved medieval centre, retaining the ancient street plan. The site of the city wall, and the city gates are preserved, though the former city wall now consists of houses. The medieval part of the town has been pedestrianised and many of the medieval buildings are painted with beautiful frescoes. [Wiki]

Puzzle: Long Fellow House

Dominic Davison - Long Fellow House, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 73 cm x 48.57 cm
Artist: Dominic Davison
Producer: Sure-Lox, The Canadian Group, Country Manor series, 2011, #44612-1

Puzzle: A wonderful puzzle to do: Sure-Lox pieces fit together very well, as usual, and there is enough challenge while guide regions are available to provide a logical succession of assembly. One can start with the path to the front door of the building, separating the bottom half into two regions. The house and the well provide good anchoring regions. The grass and the patch of sky can be assembled easily. The tree trunks provide additional vertical guides. The rest of the regions take a bit more time to assemble. Good lighting is a bonus for the tree leaves.

Puzzle: Waterfall in a garden

Waterfall in a garden, med

Size:  750 pieces
Dimensions: 43.81 cm x 58.42 cm
Producer: MB Puzzle, Oxford series, 1999, C4848-18

Puzzle: Despite the large regions of green leaves and small flowers, this puzzle is relatively easy to do due to the waterfall separating the two parts at the top, and to the small number of pieces. Waterfall, the rock behind it, the basin, and the yellow spot are a good start. From that point on, darker regions, flowers, and trees can follow. Not a trivial puzzle, but quite enjoyable. Good lighting is a plus.

Notes: No discernable name on the puzzle box.

Puzzle: The Oceanwaves Quiltscape by Rebecca Barker

Rebecca Barker - The Oceanwaves Quiltscape, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 69 cm x 51 cm
Producer: Ceaco, 2003,3307-2

Puzzle: A bright vibrant puzzle, easily done due to multiple horizontal dividers with colour variations, and the geometrical patterns. The horizon line, the boats, the big turquoise wave, and the line separating the surf and sand create several distinct regions. From there on, filling out the rest is trivial.

Notes: “Rebecca has a deep appreciation of country living and antique quilts which clearly inspires the subjects she paints today. Her paintings feature quilts accompanied by foreground or background scenes which formally illustrate the traditional names of the quilt patterns.

Rebecca’s current series is titled “Quiltscapes”. Rebecca paints her Quiltscapes in acrylic on board (masonite). The patterns come from quilt history books and she regularly attends quilt shows. Her style is realistic with clean, clear colors and a sensitivity to composition and texture.

The Oceanwaves Quiltscape: This quilt pattern has the feel of the sea right in its folds. It is one of the first authentic all pieced quilt patterns which is comprised of many small triangles. It was created around the mid or late 1800’s. Origin unknown.

“My work is meant to honor the beauty of old time quilts and their patterns.” [Rebecca Barker]” [Puzzle box]

Puzzle: Bridge to Unity by Dave Barnhouse

Dave Barnhouse - Bridge to Unity, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 50.8 cm x 68.58 cm
Artist: Dave Barnhouse
Painting: original
Producer: Karmin International, The Art of the Dave Barnhouse series, 2006

Puzzle: Colourful puzzle, not very trivial due to large leafy and grassy parts. It’s easy to start with the buildings, street lights, the bridge and the path leading to it. Lighter grass areas, purple flowers, the cars, people’s figures, the sky, and wet light reflections on the pavement can follow. The rest of the regions are distinct enough to be filled after that. Good lighting is a bonus for doing this puzzle. Overall quite enjoyable.

Puzzle: Japanese Garden, Portland, OR, USA

Japanese Garden, Portland, OR, USA, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 51.12 cm x 69.85 cm
Producer: Guild Puzzle, 1995, 4710-12

Puzzle: Not a trivial puzzle, but a very enjoyable one. Daylight is a bonus. The good starting points are red bushes with their reflections, green patch of grass, shrubs with yellow and orange flowers, the rocks, the path, and the stairs. Pink flower tree, dark red bush under it, and light green willow are good focal points as well. From there, dark green tree regions, black and white patches of the sky, and the water complete the puzzle.

Notes: Willows, sallows, and osiers form the genus Salix, around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Most species are known as willow, but some narrow-leaved shrub species are called osier, and some broader-leaved species are referred to as sallow. Some willows (particularly arctic and alpine species) are low-growing or creeping shrubs; for example, the dwarf willow (Salix herbacea) rarely exceeds 6 cm in height, though it spreads widely across the ground. [Wiki]

Puzzle: Overlook Cafe II by Sung Kim

Sung Kim - Overlook Cafe II, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 67.3 cm x 45.4 cm
Artist: Sung Kim – Born in 1940 in Seoul, South Korea, Sung began to exhibit his artistic talents early in childhood. Beginning in grade school, Sung entered and won various art contests by displaying his creativity and artistic imagination. He decided to pursue his passion for art and graduated with honors from Seorabol Art College in Seoul. Later he opened his own studio and worked as an illustrator for various magazines and children’s books. Sung’s artistic abilities were acknowledged when he was awarded the Grand Prize in an art competition by the Minister of Culture in South Korea and the Gold Medal prize in the art competition given by the Mayor of Seoul. He traveled throughout Europe before immigrating to the United States in 1980. For the last 20 years, Sung has worked with various fine art galleries and has produced over 400 original landscape paintings. [Tutt Art site]
Painting: original
Producer: Wrebbit, Perfalock foam puzzle series, 2005, 20068

Puzzle: A very enjoyable puzzle. I have not done foam puzzles for a while now, and this one was a reminder of a different squishy feel I liked about the foam pieces. They fit together quite well. The logical parts with which to start are the turquoise shutters and striped canopy, the white tablecloths and the chairs and railing next to them, the flower arrangements, the cafe sign and the light above it, the balcony, and the palm tree. The large tree with dark branches and houses in the distance with boats and water reflections, the patio, the pavement, and the black doorways can come next. Once all that remains are the mountains and the sky, tracing the border between them is easiest, and the rest of the pieces fall into place.

Puzzle: Victorian Home by Dominic Davison

Dominic Davison - Victorian Home, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 73 cm x 48.57 cm
Producer: The Canadian Group, Sure-Lox, Country Manors series, 2011, 44612-4

Puzzle: A serene puzzle, with all its trees and flowers in bloom, and invitingly lit manor windows. Good places to start are the manor itself, the roads, fence and bench, grass, and the tree trunk on the right. Flower patch, pieces of sky, and tree leaves and branches can come next – since the tree leaves on the four trees are of different colours, this part is not difficult.

Notes: Victorian architecture is architectural style during the middle and late 19th century. The name “Victorian” refers to the reign of Queen Victoria, 20 June 1837 – 22 January 1901, during which period the styles known as Victorian were used in construction. However, many elements of what is typically termed “Victorian” architecture did not become popular until later in Victoria’s reign. The styles often included interpretations and eclectic revivals of historic styles mixed with the introduction of middle east and Asian influences. The name represents the British and French custom of naming architectural styles for a reigning monarch. [Wiki]

Puzzle: Breman, Germany

Breman, Germany, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 27.3 cm x 45.7 cm
Producer: RoseArt, Encore series, 1999, 06052

Puzzle: Small and very pleasant puzzle to do – the windmill, the brick building, and the gradient in the sky makes those parts not difficult to complete, and the snowy tree limbs pieces fall into place following that.

Notes: The puzzle box actually says “Breman, Germany” – I assume they meant “Bremen, Germany”.

Puzzle: The Untold Story by Josephine Wall

Josephine Wall - The untold story, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 48.26 cm x 35.56 cm
Artist: Josephine Wall
Producer: The Canadian Group, Sure-Lox, Keepsakes series, 2011, 42220-7

Puzzle: Trivial puzzle and a pleasure to do. Several sections are equally easy to use as anchoring points: skin, the large pink flower, the iguana, the hair net, flowing fabric, the ship, and the flamingos. The rest of the puzzle falls into place in greens, blues, and purples.

Notes: “As the planet evolves, humankind increasingly leaves the cities to seek peace and consolation in the country. There nature awaits with all her gentleness and beauty to welcome humanity into a more fulfilling way of life.” [Josephine Wall site]

Puzzle: House of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada

House of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 43.5cm x 27cm

Notes: I do not have a record of the producer of this puzzle as I do not have the box anymore. A clarification is welcome – if you have any clue as to the details regarding this puzzle, I would much appreciate that information.

Canadian Parliament: The Parliament of Canada (French: Parlement du Canada) is the federal legislative branch of Canada, seated at Parliament Hill in the national capital, Ottawa. Formally, the body consists of the Canadian monarch—represented by her governor general—the Senate, and the House of Commons, each element having its own officers and organization. The governor general summons and appoints each of the 105 members of the upper house on the advice of the Prime Minister of Canada, while the 308 members of the lower house are directly elected by eligible voters in the Canadian populace, with each Member of Parliament representing a single electoral district, commonly referred to as a riding.

By constitutional convention, the House of Commons is the dominant branch of parliament, the Senate and Crown rarely opposing its will. The Senate thus reviews legislation from a less partisan standpoint, and the monarch and viceroy provide the necessary Royal Assent to make bills into law and summon, prorogue, and dissolve parliament in order to call an election, as well as reading the Throne Speech. [Wiki]