Puzzle: Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany, med
: 500 pieces
Dimensions: 36.0 cm x 49.3 cm
: Ravensburger, Otto Maier Verlag, 1984, #14 138 8

Puzzle: Yet another puzzle of this beautiful castle, in addition to the 500-piece, the 1000-piece, and another 500-piece puzzles I’ve assembled previously. This one features clear photography, good angle, and pieces that fit together well. The easiest places to start are the sky and clouds, the orange part of the castle, the green of the grass, the boundary between the castle and the sky, and the sky and the trees, followed by the rest of the castle. The houses in the background and the trees around the castle can then follow.

Puzzle: Spectacular Interior

Spectacular interior, med
: 750 pieces
Dimensions: 59.69 cm x 39.37 cm
Tibor Bognàr
: The Canadian Group, Sure-Lox, 2006, #42510-41

Puzzle: Not an easiest puzzle to make – good lighting is a bonus. Easiest places to start are the blue of the dome, the bright gold of the centre, the figures in the alcoves, the darker parts on the edges, and the golden pillars. Pillars provide good vertical guides, and pillar tops can serve as horizontal ones. The pieces fit together well making for a fun but a bit challenging puzzle to assemble.

Notes: It is unfortunate that no information is given on the box on where this photo was taken. If you know where this is, I would love to know.

Puzzle: Citrus nature mort

Citrus nature mort, med
: 550 pieces
Dimensions: 61 cm x 46 cm
Producer: Ceaco, Culinary Classics series, 1999, #2319-6

A lovely and zen puzzle to assemble. There are many ways to approach it: I have started with the tallest bottle and the tall jar with orange contents, followed by the red flowers and the blue fence in the background. The red peppers, white towel and garlic, the basket, and cut up lemons and limes followed. The fruit in the basket and under it came after, and the rest of the pieces came together easily then.

Puzzle: Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 51.12 cm x 66.52 cm
: Big Ben, MB Puzzles, Hasbro, 2007, 04962-N03

Puzzle: Beautiful serene puzzle to make.  Despite its size, the assembly flows smoothly due to distinct separate regions of colour separated by clear borders. The lavender of the sky, the yellow, purple, and black mountains, their clearly separated reflections and the horizontal divide of the water edge are a breeze to put together. The blue of the water, the rock regions, the green grass patches, and the guide made by the log, let the rest of the pieces fall into place.

Notes: Banff National Park is located in the province of Alberta in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. In the fall of 1883, three Canadian Pacific Railway construction workers stumbled across a cave containing hot springs on the eastern slopes of Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. From that humble beginning was born Banff National Park, Canada’s first national park and the world’s third. Spanning 6,641 square kilometres of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows and rivers, Banff National Park is one of the world’s premier destination spots. [Banff National Park site]

Puzzle: Wildflowers by Tim Fitzharris

Tim Fitzharris - Wildflowers, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 63.5 cm x 50.8 cm
Tim Fitzharris, designed by Lisa Reid
: Pomegranate Communications, Artpiece Puzzle series, Sierra Club, Catalog No: SC0403, ISBN: 978-0-7649-4095-8

Puzzle: Not a completely trivial puzzle to do as the flower regions contain small similar details across a large part of the puzzle. The cacti are easiest to do as they provide vertical guides for the top of the puzzle, and the purple backdrop can be filled in easily. For the flowers, tackling the top area among the cacti is easiest, followed by the regions of similar colour: yellow flowers and darker patch in the bottom right corner. The rest of the flowers are a matter of patiently filling things in. The pieces are good quality and fit together well.

Notes: “Sierra Club’s Mission:

  • To explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the earth;
  • To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources;
  • To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment;
  • And the use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

A portion of the proceeds of the sale of this puzzle supports Sierra Club’s efforts to preserve and protect the planet [www.sierraclub.org].

Thoughtfully conceived and engagingly intricate, Pomegranate’s 1000-piece interlocking jigsaw puzzles combine superb color reproduction, stunning and unusual images, and sturdy construction to delight generations of puzzle solvers. Among our many artists are Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Maxfield Parrish, John William Waterhouse, Romare Bearden, Jules Chéret, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Edward Gorey, Tom Thomson, and Susan Seddon Boulet.” [Puzzle box]

Puzzle: Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps, med

Size:  1000 pieces
Dimensions: 73 cm x 48.57 cm
Producer: Sure-Lox, The Canadian Group

Notes: Beautiful landscape, very serene to make. Not completely trivial due to large regions of similar colours, but with Sure-Lox pieces fitting well together, still a pleasure to do. Starting with the grass regions is easiest, filling in the houses, and then dealing with the boundary regions between mountains, the ice, and the sky, provides enough guides to fill in the remainder of the pieces.

Puzzle: Flower market at Jaipur

Flower market at Jaipur, med

: 304 pieces
Dimensions: 45.72 cm x 35.56 cm
Schmid Reinhard
: Whitman, Guild, A4425, Series 169,

Puzzle: Simple puzzle which I liked for its subject matter – small number of pieces and enough distinct colour regions to make it easy. Flower bunches and people can make a good start, and the background of the wall can come afterwards.

“Subjects in series 169:

  • Flower still life
  • Portrait of grandfather
  • Old town
  • Canister and crates
  • Pennsylvanian winter
  • Autumn village
  • California Carson mansion
  • Martha’s vineyard
  • Flowered fence
  • Arizona landscape
  • Bamberg, Germany
  • Flower market at Jaipur”[Puzzle box]

Puzzle: Love each day

Love each day, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 51 cm x 69 cm
Empire, Puzzle Makers, #620205

Puzzle: Not a completely trivial puzzle to do due to variation in puzzle piece format and similarities of the coloured regions, but quite enjoyable. The easiest parts to do are the uniform white of the path, the bench, and the fence, the green of the grass, and the blue-white of the sky. The willowy tree is a good region to tackle next, as well as the groups of similarly-coloured flowers. The trees in the background can come last.

Puzzle: Trevi Fountain, Italy

Trevi Fountain, Italy, med
: 500 pieces
Dimensions: 48.3 cm x 35.6 cm
: Sure-Lox, The Canadian Group, #42210-17

Puzzle: This puzzles was a little more challenging than a usual 500-piece puzzle, since so many parts of the building look alike and carry the same colour scheme. However, with Sure-Lox pieces fitting snugly into place, it was very pleasant to do nonetheless. The sky and water are best places to start, as are the dark areas on the edges. The windows, the balconies, the archway, the roof, and the regions close to the water are distinct enough to follow. The rest are a matter of completing the gaps between the earlier-placed pieces. I have done another 500-piece puzzle of a close-up of the Trevi Fountain.

Puzzle: Collector’s Cupboard

Mother's Cupboard, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 48.5 cm x 35.5 cm
Producer: Sure-Lox, The Canadian Group, Mother’s Cupboard series

Puzzle: Some days I like nature mort compositions. This one is not completely trivial, since there are so many white areas and most cups look similar, but it is small enough for that not to present too much challenge. The shelf is the easiest place to start, as it separates the puzzle into two areas providing a good horizontal guide. The distinct colour areas such as lavender and blue cups, as well as the round edges and patterns on the plates are easy to assemble, as well as the glasses on the bottom shelf. The wall pattern and the rest of the cups can follow.

Puzzle: Wings by Joni Johnson-Grodsy

John Johnson-Godsy - Wings, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 48.5cm x 35.5cm
Producer: Sure-Lox, The Canadian Group
Joni Johnson-Grodsy

Puzzle: With so many bright intermingled areas it’s hard to suggest a single best way to approach this puzzle. Certainly the bird, the distinctly green leaves on a darker background in the top right corner, and the darker areas in the bottom right can be used to start. For the rest of the puzzle, it’s a matter of putting together the more uniform-coloured areas (brighter yellow, darker green, and flaming red leaves), and using branches as guides. Quite an enjoyable puzzle to do.

Puzzle: Ludwig’s Castle, Bavaria, Germany

Ludwig's Castle, Bavaria, Germany, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 45.5cm x 35.5cm
Producer: Leap Year

Puzzle: Not a bad puzzle as far as the picture goes, but the manufacturing process appears to be faulty: many pieces are bent out of shape and do not fit together well, taking away from the assembling experience. The puzzle itself is relatively easy to put together: the sky, the fields, and the castle are good places to start. The trees are a little more challenging, so good lighting is good to have for assembling the bottom part. Overall, nothing special: showing more castle and less of the tree area would make this puzzle more enjoyable. There are better puzzles depicting this castle, I’ve previously put together two: in 1000 pieces and 500 pieces.

Notes: Neuschwanstein Castle is a 19th-century Romanesque Revival palace on a rugged hill above the village of Hohenschwangau near Füssen in southwest Bavaria, Germany. The palace was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as a homage to Richard Wagner. Ludwig paid for the palace out of his personal fortune and by means of extensive borrowing, not with Bavarian public funds. [Wiki]

Puzzle: Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 46.5cm x 36cm

Puzzle: Colourful puzzle, relaxing to assemble at the end of a tiring busy day. The sky, the water, and the house are easiest to start with, followed by the leafy bank and the red trees. The tree trunks can help assemble the rest of the trees, and the reflections are distinct enough from the trees themselves to be filled in easily as well.

Notes: I do not have a record of the producer of this puzzle as I do not have the box anymore. A clarification is welcome – if you have any clue as to the details regarding this puzzle, I would much appreciate that information.

Puzzle: River Walk, New Orleans

River Walk, New Orleans, med

Size:  500 pieces
Dimensions: 48.5 cm x 35.5 cm
Producer: Sure-Lox, The Canadian Group

Puzzle: Simple puzzle to do. Starting from the uniform areas of colour: the water, the sky, the green of trees, the circular structure and the light green roof of the low building can be followed by the beige roof with blue regions, and the larger skyscrapers. From that point on, there are enough vertical guides for the rest of the pieces to follow.
Notes: New Orleans is a major United States port and the largest city and metropolitan area in the state of Louisiana. The city is named after Orléans, a city located on the Loire River in Centre, France, and is well known for its distinct French Creole architecture, as well as its cross-cultural and multilingual heritage. New Orleans is also famous for its cuisine, music (particularly as the birthplace of jazz), and its annual celebrations and festivals, most notably Mardi Gras. [Wiki]

Puzzle: Enchanted Eve II by Christian Riese Lassen

Christian Riese Lassen - Enchanted Eve II, med
: 750 pieces
Dimensions: 48.1 cm x 68 cm
Christian Riese Lassen
: Mega, The Puzzle Collection, 2007, #97111

Puzzle: Beautiful and serene puzzle to do. The sun with its surrounding clouds, the mountain ridges, and the dark palm trees contrasting with the sky are good places to start. The sun’s reflections on the water and the white foam can follow, providing horizontal guides to fill out the rest of the ocean. The gradual colour change in the sky from the sun to the sea can guide you through filling out the sky, leaving the rest of the areas trivial to complete.

Puzzle: Bellagio by Julian Askins

Julian Askins - Bellagio, med

Size:  750 pieces
Dimensions: 59.7 cm x 39.4 cm
Producer: Sure-Lox
Julian Askins

Notes: Beautiful zen-inducing puzzle with its bright colours and serene scenery. The easiest places to start are the solid colour areas of the sky, the patio with the colonnade, the mountain/sky border, and the blue of the water. The houses can also be assembled easily, guided by the colour contrast and vertical separators. The red flowers and the bright rounded tree with its base can follow, and the rest of the pieces fall into place after.

Puzzle: Grand Baie, Mauritius

Grand Baie, Mauritius, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 66.52 cm x 51.12 cm
Schmid Reinhard
: Hasbro, MB Puzzle, 2010

Puzzle: Beautiful, bright, mood-lifting puzzle (although now I’m pining for the fjords, or rather for Caribbean oceanside). The easiest places to start are the grass, the ocean, the sky, the palm trunks, and the umbrellas. The fruit of the palms, the red flowers in the background, and bright yellow palm leaves can come next. The remainder of the puzzle can be filled in from there, guided by the vertical palm trunks and regions of the sky.

Notes: Mauritius, officially the Republic of Mauritius, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometres off the south-east coast of the African continent. The country is home to some of the world’s rarest plants and animals. The island of Mauritius was the only home of the Dodo bird. The bird became extinct fewer than eighty years after its discovery. [Wiki]

Puzzle: The Wizard’s World by Adrian Chesterman

Adrian Chesterman - The Wizard's World, med

Size:  550 pieces, 2 missing
Dimensions: 61 cm x 46 cm
Painting: the original
Producer: Ceaco, Glow in the Dark, Series 6, 2005, #2333-37

Puzzle: A pleasant fantasy puzzle to assemble. The best regions to start are the window, the wizard’s face, hair, and beard, the fingers, the flame and the candle, and the planets. The owl, the parchment, and the rest of the puzzle can follow. A beautiful painting.

Artist: Adrian Chesterman studied fine art at Norwich School of Art and illustration at the Royal College of Art in Kensington, London. Since leaving the R.C.A. Chesterman has worked in nearly every sphere of the art world… Chesterman started with an illustration technique of his own invention which employs airbrush and painted gouache and acrylic inks on artboard or canvas… Chesterman lives in Andalucia in Spain and has also been designing gardens and parks for the rich and the famous. “I love designing gardens… When I’m painting a picture or a mural I am usually copying nature, but when I’m designing a garden I’m working with nature as my paint box.”  [Adrian Chesterman site]

Puzzle: Caverns

Caverns, med
: 1000 pieces
Dimensions: 73 cm x 48.6 cm
: The Canadian Group, Sure-Lox, Scenic series, #40605-25

Puzzle: Complex due to similarity of structures pictured and a limited palette of colours, this puzzle is still a pleasure to do with the contrasts of blue, black, and yellow/brown areas and SureLox pieces fitting into place well. This puzzle will take a bit more time than a typical SureLox 1000 piece one, and good lighting is a bonus. I have started with the blue and bright yellow areas, followed by black ones, and from there, filled in the remainder.

Notes: It is unfortunate that no information is given on the box on where this photo was taken. If you are familiar with where this is, I would love to know.

Puzzle: Sunlit Patio by Ming Feng

Ming Feng - Sunlit Patio, med
: 550 pieces
Dimensions: 60.96 cm x 45.72 cm
Producer: Hasbro, Milton Bradley, Picture Perfect series, 2002
Artist: Ming Feng

Puzzle: I like the feel of these pieces and the way they snap together. The easiest way to approach this puzzle is to start with solid areas of colour: the floor, the chair, bench, and table, and the door. From that point on, it’s a matter of separating areas with similar flower and leaf colouring and assembling those. A very pleasant and calming puzzle to do.

Notes: Beautiful puzzle cut with gaps being nearly invisible. Pieces fit together perfectly and there is no paper dust. A pleasure to assemble, glue, and display.